Poikilo: Comparing and Visualizing Diversification Algorithms

Search result diversification has attracted considerable attention as a means of improving the quality of results retrieved by user queries. Poikilo is a tool designed to assist users in locating and evaluating diverse results. We provide implementations of a wide suite of models and algorithms to compute and compare diverse results. Users can tune various diversification parameters, combine diversity with relevance and also see how diverse results change over time in the case of streaming data.

Source Code

Poikilo is a Web Application implemented in Java EE using JavaServer Faces 2.0, which can be accessed via a simple web browser using an intuitive GUI. The source code is available here as a NetBeans project. The code is easily extendable concerning the addition of new algorithms. Algorithm classes are located in /src/java/algorithms and are called from the computeDiverseSet() function in /src/java/beans/ChartBean.java, according to the parameters entered by the user in the GUI. The same file also contains the functions related to data visualization.

You are free to modify and re-distributed the source code as long as you include a simple reference to the original work. If you add any new functionalities to our system, please let us know!


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